
DA brings teen dating violence awareness to Bristol County high schools

From The Standard Times
By Auditi Guha
March 5, 2015

“Studies show that one in three teens admits to experiencing abuse in a dating relationship. Since teens are new to dating, they often fail to see the ‘warning signs.’ They may not think they are being abused because they have never been hit, but abuse takes many forms.”

This is from a new brochure about preventing teen violence that will soon be available in every high school in the region.

Bristol County District Attorney Tom Quinn has begun a countywide effort to address the problem. Officials from the DA’s office are visiting all 44 high schools in the county this week to distribute the new brochure, according to a news release. They will visit Dartmouth and New Bedford high schools Friday, officials said.

Titled “Teens, Technology, and Dating Violence,” the brochure aims to educate students on how technology is increasingly being used as a tool for dating abuse.It includes information about online and phone harassment, sexting or threatening to expose a secret or nude photo, prying through phone calls or text messages, and internet stalking.

Created by the DA’s office, the brochure aims to give teens the tools to recognize unhealthy behaviors and warning signs of abusive relationships, tools they could use through high school and into college when they begin to get involved in more serious relationships, said Gregg Miliote, spokesman for DA Quinn.

Original source: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/article/20150305/NEWS/150309618/0/SEARCH